Taking the topic from Harry Potter and The Prisoners of Askaban, the part where Professor Trelawney tells them that Harry has the Grim
Just FYI, This post has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
This is just to trail into the topic of Superstitions..
Superstitions are everywhere among us.
A Few that are so silly that you have to think twice as to why people believe them...
Here are a few Strange ones I found
1.It is a widely held belief in South Korea that if you leave a fan running overnight that you will die, either of hypothermia or asphyxiation. This misconception is so prevalent that fans are often sold with timers that turn the fan off after a set period of time, allowing you to sleep easy and, y’know, not die.

2.In medieval England, when a woman became pregnant, she would make a wheel of cheese (obviously) and leave it to age. Nine months later the family would share the appropriately named ‘Groaning Cheese’, ensuring to leave the outer rind. The baby would then be passed through the wheel of cheese to bring good luck and unnecessary aroma.
3.Some Mongolians believe that the soul drifts around the body, residing in different parts depending on the day of the week. It is therefore advised that you go and see a witch doctor before getting your mop chopped, just to make sure that your soul isn't loitering in your hair.
4.It’s funny to hear that a black cat can make or break your day. From the ancient times, black cats are considered as magical creatures and they possess mysterious powers. The Egyptians era also played an important role in mystifying black cats. Although, there are black cat superstitions present all around the world, the most prominent beliefs are, “if a black cat walks away from you, it is a sign of bad luck” or “If a black cat crosses your path, then your day will most probably be ruined.”
5.I really wish that this Romanian superstition was real. Romanians believe that if your nose is feeling itchy, it means someone wants to kiss you. My nose has already started itching…
Most of you would have suffered from cold and felt like scratching your nose at least once in your life. Does that mean someone has felt like kissing us? That is nice to hear anyways
These are only a few, you have to check out the rest of 'em, some are so silly! like a knife under the bed during pregnancy xD
Well there are also the not so funny ones like fatalism, karma, fate and destiny.
They are more like defense mechanisms of our ego telling us, or rather comforting us that it's not your fault.. It's "written in your stars"..
Pish Posh.
I don't want to slam superstitions but will you think twice about superstitions?.... Cross paths with a black cat and see what happens... And don't let self prophecies lead you elsewhere
.. It's just a coincidence...
Or is it >.>