Tuesday, October 8, 2013


For people who do not know what coitus means and for those who do not watch Big Bang Theory,
 Coitus is another word for f**k, well sexual intercourse
Well f**k initially meant that but now the word F**k has been played around with so much that the definition is not definite

Who started that anyway, to relate sex and swearing.
The literal meaning makes absolutely no sense.
It has been thrown around like a rag, telling our ego, i.e., our self that it is 'cool' to swear using a word that is very adult.
Oh yeah,.. ASSS IF!
People think they've got swag by going around mouthing filthy words. What happened to elegance and class?
A chivalrous person is now either a weakling or someone who is not taken very seriously and people with bad words at the tip of their tongue are considered cool and 'awesome'
Well there are certain people who have elegance and class and have earned their respect, but I'm not really considering them. You see whenever I talk about people, there will always, ALWAYS be exceptions.

Now where were we,

oh yes, bad words.

Also one thing I've noticed is  sweating in God's name.
The same mouth that exclaims 'FUCK' or 'BULL SHIT'
exclaim God's name in the same context.
New exclamations have come up like
'Jesus Christ!',
 'Good Lord',
 'Oh God!'

It's like the ultimate sin.
Seeing someone stealing or beating up people exclaiming "Jesus Christ!, did you see what that man did" get's you in the same category as the "guilty" man under God for it is written in the Bible not to use the Lord's name in vain.
And don't you go around saying that you do not believe in God because then you should all the more not be saying that..
I mean, look at today's slang, it makes absolutely no sense.
Damn him, Damn her, but don't fuck or call out the lord's name to show that you're frustrated, surprised or angry.
He knows.

So after 2 months of hibernation, I've finally come out and written this update. I think it's a good new start and the heading will catch your eye.

 If anyone has any problem with the content, I deeply apologize and you can complain to me here or mail me at saraHolmes16@gmail.com 

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