Saturday, November 2, 2013

At the boTTom of your Teacup

Taking the topic from Harry Potter and The Prisoners of Askaban, the part where Professor Trelawney tells them that Harry has the Grim
Just FYI, This post has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
This is just to trail into the topic of Superstitions..

Superstitions are everywhere among us.
 A Few that are so silly that you have to think twice as to why people believe them...
Here are a few Strange ones I found

1.It is a widely held belief in South Korea that if you leave a fan running overnight that you will die, either of hypothermia or asphyxiation. This misconception is so prevalent that fans are often sold with timers that turn the fan off after a set period of time, allowing you to sleep easy and, y’know, not die.

2.In medieval England, when a woman became pregnant, she would make a wheel of cheese (obviously) and leave it to age. Nine months later the family would share the appropriately named ‘Groaning Cheese’, ensuring to leave the outer rind. The baby would then be passed through the wheel of cheese to bring good luck and unnecessary aroma.

3.Some Mongolians believe that the soul drifts around the body, residing in different parts depending on the day of the week. It is therefore advised that you go and see a witch doctor before getting your mop chopped, just to make sure that your soul isn't loitering in your hair.

4.It’s funny to hear that a black cat can make or break your day. From the ancient times, black cats are considered as magical creatures and they possess mysterious powers. The Egyptians era also played an important role in mystifying black cats. Although, there are black cat superstitions present all around the world, the most prominent beliefs are, “if a black cat walks away from you, it is a sign of bad luck” or “If a black cat crosses your path, then your day will most probably be ruined.”

5.I really wish that this Romanian superstition was real. Romanians believe that if your nose is feeling itchy, it means someone wants to kiss you. My nose has already started itching…
Most of you would have suffered from cold and felt like scratching your nose at least once in your life. Does that mean someone has felt like kissing us? That is nice to hear anyways

These are only a few, you have to check out the rest of 'em, some are so silly! like a knife under the bed during pregnancy xD

Well there are also the not so funny ones like fatalism, karma, fate and destiny.
They are more like defense mechanisms of our ego telling us, or rather comforting us that it's not your fault.. It's "written in your stars"..

Pish Posh.

I don't want to slam superstitions but will you think twice about superstitions?.... Cross paths with a black cat and see what happens... And don't let self prophecies lead you elsewhere
.. It's just a coincidence...
Or is it >.>


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


For people who do not know what coitus means and for those who do not watch Big Bang Theory,
 Coitus is another word for f**k, well sexual intercourse
Well f**k initially meant that but now the word F**k has been played around with so much that the definition is not definite

Who started that anyway, to relate sex and swearing.
The literal meaning makes absolutely no sense.
It has been thrown around like a rag, telling our ego, i.e., our self that it is 'cool' to swear using a word that is very adult.
Oh yeah,.. ASSS IF!
People think they've got swag by going around mouthing filthy words. What happened to elegance and class?
A chivalrous person is now either a weakling or someone who is not taken very seriously and people with bad words at the tip of their tongue are considered cool and 'awesome'
Well there are certain people who have elegance and class and have earned their respect, but I'm not really considering them. You see whenever I talk about people, there will always, ALWAYS be exceptions.

Now where were we,

oh yes, bad words.

Also one thing I've noticed is  sweating in God's name.
The same mouth that exclaims 'FUCK' or 'BULL SHIT'
exclaim God's name in the same context.
New exclamations have come up like
'Jesus Christ!',
 'Good Lord',
 'Oh God!'

It's like the ultimate sin.
Seeing someone stealing or beating up people exclaiming "Jesus Christ!, did you see what that man did" get's you in the same category as the "guilty" man under God for it is written in the Bible not to use the Lord's name in vain.
And don't you go around saying that you do not believe in God because then you should all the more not be saying that..
I mean, look at today's slang, it makes absolutely no sense.
Damn him, Damn her, but don't fuck or call out the lord's name to show that you're frustrated, surprised or angry.
He knows.

So after 2 months of hibernation, I've finally come out and written this update. I think it's a good new start and the heading will catch your eye.

 If anyone has any problem with the content, I deeply apologize and you can complain to me here or mail me at 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cliché is so Cliché

"I think that cliche is a one word cliche"... 
       word of wisdom as exclaimed by Jonar Nader.. 

I agree, don't you think so?

The meaning of cliche according to wiki ( not so reliable but yeeahh..) is an expression, idea or element of an artistic thing that has been overused to the point of losing it's original meaning, or effect, and even to the point of being irritating especially when at some earlier time it was considered novel or meaningful.

an example?

So what do I mean by Cliche is so cliche?
Have you ever heard of "That is such a cliche" or " That is so cliched" *bored face expression..*
well I have, and I'll say, I may have said it a few times.. or maybe more than a few times >.>

The word cliche has become cliched for the people who say "That is such a cliche" or " That is so cliched"
do you get what i am trying to say? or write? or rather convey?

Now saying the word cliche has lost it's meaning because we use it so much. With super smart and super sarcastic teenagers these days, everything is a cliche. Almost all ideas are taken, been used and abused and that's what has become of the word cliche. 

I'm not sure if you get what I mean, but think about it. Some things we do, we do so often it loses it's meaning. And that has become a  cliche, so now if everything is a  cliche, that the word cliche is so cliche..
I hope you get what I mean.

P.S. I'm not sure if this is what  Jonar Nader meant. This is just what I think it means.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

S O - R U D E

Rudeness, That's something we come across everyday, well almost everyday. It actually depends on how you perceive rudeness. If you find a simple gesture of licking your fingers in a restaurant rude, then there are alot of rude people around you, on the other hand if you don't mind such behavior and are not frazzled by these tiny acts of randomness then you most probably don't encounter that many rude people.
Maybe YOU'RE rude.... ever though of that?

Well you might call it being blunt or frank but some people see it as being rude so you gotta think about that too but according to me, Rude would be going out of your way to make pointless disrespectful remarks, which everyone is guilty of at some point. :/

Anyway, while you ponder on your sudden rudeness, Here are a few tips on how to handle rude people
, I'm not sure if they really help because I'm not very good with people, but it's worth a shot.

1) Try to understand the rude person's perspective. Is she your grandma who finds low waist pants disrespectful and rude? or a teenager who finds that correcting his or her grammar during a  conversation rude...

2)Be calm while talking to that person. Be firm but calm.

3)If you think the rudeness id because of a misunderstanding, try and resolve it CALMLY

4)For best results, just try avoiding that person, it could be just a phase.

5)Don't aggravate them more by talking about them behind their back, try limiting the people with whom you share your confrontations with

6)Don't over think. So you confronted this person and nothing has changed, you need to draw a line to accept that you've done as much as you possibly could to improve your relation with them.

One tip. Tit for Tat never works. NEVER
So don't be rude back at that person.

You know why? BECAUSE .......

Sunday, July 28, 2013



Being a teenager,

Yes, I started with 'being a teenager' and my topic today is 'Possession or Obsession' so you can guess it's hardcore stuff and are most probably going to be annoyed at me after this post.

The mobile. Every parent's mortal enemy that is apparently responsible for every wrong thing that happens to us teens (considering the fact that majority of my readers are teens)
Honestly, and very honestly I kinda agree... Now calm down, don't frown at the screen, hear my side of the story for once.

My story

So I had my mobile, although very, extremely useful, i would spend every waking hour texting, talking, playing games (although i don't have good games.. dammit bounce) and then my mom took away my phone  a week ago. That led me to writing this blog (that's one good thing), and i have time to complete my hw due to sheer boredom ( That's two), I actually join in family conversations (that's three), I do my own calculation (that's four... that's good right?) and I use journals to keep my notes (That's five... unless i"m wasting paper :o)

Ok, Ok, that's not a lot but still *sigh*
who am I kidding I miss my mobile... but I'm cool with it, i mean new experiences teach new things right xD

So yeah, basically... mobile is addicting and we should make sure that it is just an accessory, a possession and should not be an obsession.


Friday, July 12, 2013


Laughter is the best medicine, everyone knows that.
 If you didn't know that, then you know now. ^-^

So why do people say that laughter is the best medicine and medicine for what? 
... <You've gotta solve a tough math problem suddenly you laugh, your problem flies away> if you think that's true... honey it's high time you wake up because you're dreaming. 

Have you ever had that exhausted feeling after a good laugh? You know, the one where your side hurts, your eyes water, you can't catch your breath and your body's totally spent. It feels like you've just finished a 2 hr session at the gym.

Laughter and exercise may share more in common than you think-- most notably, both can boost your health, Sure, you know about the infinite benefits of an active lifestyle, but did you know that laughter can support the immune system, improve blood pressure, stimulate the organs and reduce pain?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves-- watching funny movies all the time won't lead to a perfect health (in fact, being a couch potato will do more harm than good), but remember that laughter has powerful benefits should get you smiling :)


It's hard to worry about that big test after seeing your sister fall into the cream pie on your kitchen counter. While you roll on the floor in hysterics, the only thing you're stressed about is what's for dessert


There's a reason why when you laugh, the world laughs with you but when you weep, you weep all by yourself. That's because no one want's to hang around Susie Spoilt sport who has nothing positive to say. Finding humur in life and being able to laugh at it will only improve your social skills

it makes you feel light and forget your troubles for that moment in time.

Well, i love laughing and i know many other people who do too :D




Hope I encouraged you to laugh :P

  • A lady comes up to me on the streets and pointed at my suede jacket. 'You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?' she sneered. I replied in a psychotic tone, 'I didnt know there were any witneses. Now I'll have to kill you too.'
  •  Did you ever walk into the room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives. 
  • I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.
And, remember, you can ASK ME ANYTHING ^-^

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's That SMILE :)

There's a saying that a smile is a curve that can set everything straight. 

I say it's quite true.. That curve across the face and the twinkle in the eye,
A sign of approval, accept and relief, A sign of comfort, care and love.

A smile can spread a smile and some smiles are so contagious you can't help but feel happy all over.

The flood of relief you feel when you enter class late and a smile cracks on the teachers face listening to your over the top excuse,
The smile you see a on a small girl when you give her a candy, that just lights up her eyes,
That mischievous smile with your heart beating in your ear before you and your friend land that prank on that noisy neighbor,
That hard earned smile of approval from your teacher after submitting your project,
That shy smile you sneak to someone across the room,
That smile of joy when you open your present, 

Many more smiles I obviously cannot fit in here or express with words....

Think of a moment that made you smile and it'll still make you smile, it's a treasure of happiness. :)


Remember, You can ASK ME ANYTHING

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pick yourself |UP|

So, many of you must be having that one person with you, not just any person, s/he guides you, does everything with you, help you make decisions, is there for you in sickness and in health and during happy and sad times. S/he is there in almost all your memories....
This person could be anyone.
Your friend, lover, mother,
father, grandparents, or a sibling.

 And then when that person has to leave, gets busy or departs, your life feels empty. it could be just for days or years or forever.
When you think you can't go on and feel that you cant make your own decisions, Well then.
No use slumping around going through memories, sad or happy.
Pick yourself up.
You might be used to being told to do everything or might be used to that person being with you in every step of what you do, and now you know not what to do.

I repeat myself. PICK YOURSELF UP!
Life or time isn't going to stop for you, neither is your ass gonna pick itself up on it's own. You have to get used to it.
Help Yourself.
Rely on Yourself 
Discipline Yourself 


Remember, you can ASK ME ANYTHING

Sunday, June 23, 2013


How many of us ( not only the ladies) want to have a figure worth admiring, or a good healthy physique?
If you already have it, don't you want to maintain it, and if you are already maintaining it, just share this for those who want to.

So yeah, apparently Smoothies are a good diet and they are nutritional too.. I read an article recently about it and it sounded pretty convincing. Of course I'm not asking you to have only smoothies for your breakfast, lunch and dinner, it's just so cool that something as tasty as smoothies can be so healthy.
They even make veggies taste good ( don't make that face, it actually tastes good)
so you want to make a smoothie but never entered a kitchen before? NO PROBLEMO, grab a few fruits or vegetables, or both can be mixed as a matter of fact and blend them together with milk or yogurt. Plain or flavored ( plain is preferred though).
Blend for a minuit or 2 and you've got a smoothie! Not necessarily a good one, for that you'll have to experiment and play with different flavors that suit your palate.
Now don't go around adding bits of choco chips or ice cream to it. What will be the use UNLESS you want to drink a smoothie for the sole purpose of having a treat.
So there, you can now enjoy a smoothie having no worries about your weight.
ok, not ALL smoothie's are healthy but check these healthy smoothie's
And i'm adding this link at the end of each of my post in case you have any questions.
You can ask me anything, anonymously. It doesn't necessarily have to do anything with my update.
till next time ^-^

Saturday, June 22, 2013


The difference between your and you're.

Let's take the above sentence. 'YOUR SO DUMB'
                   ..  DOES'NT MAKE SENSE ..

Your is possessive, in other words, you own something.

SO unless 'SO DUMB' belongs to you, it doesn't make sense. AT ALL.

BUT, 'YOU'RE SO DUMB'.......
........ now that makes sense because. You're is a contractions of 'you are'
so i'm basically saying 'YOU ARE SO DUMB'

!!TADA!!   makes sense? I know it does :3

And finally, a message to the world. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Flowers ♥

I recently went to Dehradun, Uttarakhand, for a bible conference and we stayed at the most beautiful Theological college.
I had a camera, couldn't resist.
Here are some pictures I took

for more, click here

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Finding YOURSELF >.>

So today i'm gonna write about finding yourself in this mess of sad excuse we call society.
If I've noticed correctly, everyone wants to fit in somewhere and find their niche.
As we grow older, we find out many things about ourselves and even make rash decisions. I'm not gonna talk about life goals or anything big, i mean who am I to talk about it. I'm an inexperienced 16 year old.

So what I am gonna talk about is things I'm experienced in.. Which is not a lot :P

So lets start with MUSIC!! *yay*
what genre of music do you listen to?
Well I for one, can't decide.
There was a phase where I'd listen to any music anyone gave me. And then Miley and Jonas brothers became famous and you know, go with the trend. And then there came Taylor swift *went gaga all over her*, and one direction. The wanted, and side by side Maroon 5, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and all the well known artist and stuff and FUN, Ed Sheeren and Adele Green Day and Linkin Park and sooo many more. Wow music is overwhelming.
So then I start experimenting with Paramore, Panick! At The Disco and Three Days grace and Dubstep and you know, loud music type genre.
I listen to them now and then but as of now, and I hope for a very long now, I'm listening to The script, The Fray, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Fall Out Boy, and a little of Nirvana, Brandi Carlile, My Chemical Romance and
Of Monsters and Men.
I love all of them. And i don't want my taste to change.
So i guess I've found my music :3

And now, clothing and style and stuff... Well I don't really wanna talk about it, but I'll tell you this, for the people experimenting with their look with all the colored hair and fancy outfits,
thumbs up to you. Really bold of you to venture out and look for what suits you. I just hope you don't get carried away and loose your identity.
I'm not much of an experimenter. I guess I'd get kicked out of the house if I walked in with pink hair and piercing with ripped jeans and short shirts xD
So, #respect to you all from me.
And now do i talk about pooping styles? XD
just kidding, that'll be creepy and weird.. And don't get me wrong, i am weird but not THAT weird..
Well I'll talk of the different levels of weird some other time :P

till then
go look for yourself ♥