So today i'm gonna write about finding yourself in this mess of sad excuse we call society.
If I've noticed correctly, everyone wants to fit in somewhere and find their niche.
As we grow older, we find out many things about ourselves and even make rash decisions. I'm not gonna talk about life goals or anything big, i mean who am I to talk about it. I'm an inexperienced 16 year old.
So what I am gonna talk about is things I'm experienced in.. Which is not a lot :P
So lets start with MUSIC!! *yay*
what genre of music do you listen to?
Well I for one, can't decide.
There was a phase where I'd listen to any music anyone gave me. And then Miley and Jonas brothers became famous and you know, go with the trend. And then there came Taylor swift *went gaga all over her*, and one direction. The wanted, and side by side Maroon 5, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and all the well known artist and stuff and FUN, Ed Sheeren and Adele Green Day and Linkin Park and sooo many more. Wow music is overwhelming.
So then I start experimenting with Paramore, Panick! At The Disco and Three Days grace and Dubstep and you know, loud music type genre.
I listen to them now and then but as of now, and I hope for a very long now, I'm listening to The script, The Fray, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Fall Out Boy, and a little of Nirvana, Brandi Carlile, My Chemical Romance and
Of Monsters and Men.
I love all of them. And i don't want my taste to change.
So i guess I've found my music :3
And now, clothing and style and stuff... Well I don't really wanna talk about it, but I'll tell you this, for the people experimenting with their look with all the colored hair and fancy outfits,
thumbs up to you. Really bold of you to venture out and look for what suits you. I just hope you don't get carried away and loose your identity.
I'm not much of an experimenter. I guess I'd get kicked out of the house if I walked in with pink hair and piercing with ripped jeans and short shirts xD
So, #respect to you all from me.
And now do i talk about pooping styles? XD
just kidding, that'll be creepy and weird.. And don't get me wrong, i am weird but not THAT weird..
Well I'll talk of the different levels of weird some other time :P
till then
go look for yourself ♥