Sunday, July 28, 2013



Being a teenager,

Yes, I started with 'being a teenager' and my topic today is 'Possession or Obsession' so you can guess it's hardcore stuff and are most probably going to be annoyed at me after this post.

The mobile. Every parent's mortal enemy that is apparently responsible for every wrong thing that happens to us teens (considering the fact that majority of my readers are teens)
Honestly, and very honestly I kinda agree... Now calm down, don't frown at the screen, hear my side of the story for once.

My story

So I had my mobile, although very, extremely useful, i would spend every waking hour texting, talking, playing games (although i don't have good games.. dammit bounce) and then my mom took away my phone  a week ago. That led me to writing this blog (that's one good thing), and i have time to complete my hw due to sheer boredom ( That's two), I actually join in family conversations (that's three), I do my own calculation (that's four... that's good right?) and I use journals to keep my notes (That's five... unless i"m wasting paper :o)

Ok, Ok, that's not a lot but still *sigh*
who am I kidding I miss my mobile... but I'm cool with it, i mean new experiences teach new things right xD

So yeah, basically... mobile is addicting and we should make sure that it is just an accessory, a possession and should not be an obsession.


Friday, July 12, 2013


Laughter is the best medicine, everyone knows that.
 If you didn't know that, then you know now. ^-^

So why do people say that laughter is the best medicine and medicine for what? 
... <You've gotta solve a tough math problem suddenly you laugh, your problem flies away> if you think that's true... honey it's high time you wake up because you're dreaming. 

Have you ever had that exhausted feeling after a good laugh? You know, the one where your side hurts, your eyes water, you can't catch your breath and your body's totally spent. It feels like you've just finished a 2 hr session at the gym.

Laughter and exercise may share more in common than you think-- most notably, both can boost your health, Sure, you know about the infinite benefits of an active lifestyle, but did you know that laughter can support the immune system, improve blood pressure, stimulate the organs and reduce pain?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves-- watching funny movies all the time won't lead to a perfect health (in fact, being a couch potato will do more harm than good), but remember that laughter has powerful benefits should get you smiling :)


It's hard to worry about that big test after seeing your sister fall into the cream pie on your kitchen counter. While you roll on the floor in hysterics, the only thing you're stressed about is what's for dessert


There's a reason why when you laugh, the world laughs with you but when you weep, you weep all by yourself. That's because no one want's to hang around Susie Spoilt sport who has nothing positive to say. Finding humur in life and being able to laugh at it will only improve your social skills

it makes you feel light and forget your troubles for that moment in time.

Well, i love laughing and i know many other people who do too :D




Hope I encouraged you to laugh :P

  • A lady comes up to me on the streets and pointed at my suede jacket. 'You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?' she sneered. I replied in a psychotic tone, 'I didnt know there were any witneses. Now I'll have to kill you too.'
  •  Did you ever walk into the room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives. 
  • I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.
And, remember, you can ASK ME ANYTHING ^-^

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's That SMILE :)

There's a saying that a smile is a curve that can set everything straight. 

I say it's quite true.. That curve across the face and the twinkle in the eye,
A sign of approval, accept and relief, A sign of comfort, care and love.

A smile can spread a smile and some smiles are so contagious you can't help but feel happy all over.

The flood of relief you feel when you enter class late and a smile cracks on the teachers face listening to your over the top excuse,
The smile you see a on a small girl when you give her a candy, that just lights up her eyes,
That mischievous smile with your heart beating in your ear before you and your friend land that prank on that noisy neighbor,
That hard earned smile of approval from your teacher after submitting your project,
That shy smile you sneak to someone across the room,
That smile of joy when you open your present, 

Many more smiles I obviously cannot fit in here or express with words....

Think of a moment that made you smile and it'll still make you smile, it's a treasure of happiness. :)


Remember, You can ASK ME ANYTHING