Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Let's get start with the points shall we

 ♥ No one expects anything from you...... Other than doing something wrong.

♥ You don't have to tell White lies, you can tell Black ones too

♥ You won't have anyone to bother you, you'd be completely alone

♥ You don't have to share anything... toys, food, books, memories...

♥ No one will ask you to do anything, except maybe to go away

♥ And lastly, you won't have any friend so you'll be clear of those pesky birthday and wedding cards, those annoying night outs and all the gossiping.

I say this solves everything doesn't it?

To make oneself hated is more difficult than to make oneself loved
                                                 ~Pablo Picasso 

*I hope my sarcasm doesn't kill you