Saturday, May 11, 2013

ANNOYING.... apology?

For my blog eh? Hahaha.. I don't know why, i can't really think of anything, but this state of not thinking made me write the poem that i wrote.. :P
don't know if it makes much sense..
I am seriously blank. O.o
hmm, i can write about a few things i like...
Black, is my favorite color.
Wait, um yeah i though of something.

 I admit i think too rashly and end up judging people... Honestly, i don't want to, but that part of me vanishes and i stop thinking straight when i get irritated, then i get sad and then i start thinking and then i regret judging that person. :(

OK i wanted to apologize for my previous post, about a particular teacher being partial. I was just upset, and hey, i'm just letting my feelings out. Yes, teachers are partial, most of them, it's human nature but i shouldn't have judged her so harshly :/
well, i wasn't really harsh, but i feel bad now.
*I have a loud conscience who plays a very big role in my every step*


Because of this conscience, I keep quite most of the time, because if I said what was in my head, a lot of people will get hurt, so i don't speak  my heart out too much.

Oh God, now I've made this a sob blog -.-

I'll try not to get too emotional next time :P

..........and now let me get some annoying habits out.

Hmmm.. Annoying habit..

Hypocrites!!!!! YES, they are ANNOYING....
Well, there is a little bit of a hypocrite in every person.. *i believe that, i don't care if you do or not*

but some people have it to such and extent that it starts showing and it gets annoying. And i'm not talking about the lecturers and preachers type hypocrits  *come on who can be that good? Jealousy, anger, annoyance... Universal emotions*
I'm talking about the fakes.
.... Oh gosh, don't let me even start on the fakes... Or or the ones who have to compete in everything!
Oh my goodness.. So annoying.

*I evn fnd ppl hu tpe lk tis anoin*

Especially when they're commenting or if it's their status... On Facebook,  g+ .... I don't care.... If it doesn't have a word limit why??

I guess i understand if you're texting a long message with limited words then yeah, I sometimes use short forms and abbreviations while texting, but can some one tell me what the difference is between
 *plzzzz!!* and *please!!*
the 1st one is just annoying while the 2nd one says please -.-
some people are just un-understandable.

. After writing all this, remember, this is all just MY opinion and i'm not perfect blah de blah... So if you got a problem, i'd love to hear your opinion and maybe i'll apologize and might post something from your perspective.. You never know..
Or you can just inbox me randomly,
.. Sooo
Feel free. I don't bite.

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